Male Vitality

Developed to support men in today’s fast-paced world, our Men’s Health collection includes powerful and 100% natural products to help you be your best. 

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2 products

Urinary Support Tea for Urinary Health Support | 30 Servings (55g)
from £14.99
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Male Vitality Tea for Reproductive & Hormonal Support | 30 Servings (60g)
from £14.99
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Male Vitality

Developed to support men in today’s fast-paced world, our Men’s Health collection includes powerful and 100% natural products to help you be your best. These teas, tinctures, and supplements work to ease stress, boost energy levels, promote circulation, support prostate and urinary health, balance male reproductive hormones, and increase libido. Embrace a more natural approach to vitality and feel the difference.

Herbalism and natural medicine tend to be fields that get more involvement and interest from women. Women’s health and healing has become a hot topic — but unfortunately men’s health is not as widely discussed.

There are few published articles, fewer books, and not a lot of information circulating on men’s health (including reproductive health) - especially on preventative care. Research shows that men are less likely to want to see herbalists and doctors and are less likely to seek to take action to improve their wellbeing. Although men make up slightly less than half of the total population, compared to women, they account for significantly fewer visits to doctors’ offices. Men are much less likely to seek support for mental health in particular, due to taboos still very present in our society. Approximately 75% of the 6,000 recorded suicides in the UK in 2017 were male, and men are three times more likely to be drug and alcohol dependent than women.

Over a million prescriptions for viagra are written every year solely for impotence — and there are herbs that can help with that without risks and side effects. Heart disease is among the main killers of men, and hypertension is rampant — another area that herbal medicine can be very helpful with. A significant percentage of men over the age of 60 have prostate problems requiring medication of some kind (another area where herbs can provide very effective relief), and men continue to die on average 8 years before women.

There is a wealth of herbs that can support men with some of the more specific concerns they may have – from increasing libido, promoting reproductive hormonal balance, addressing prostate concerns, promoting cardiovascular health, supporting mental health, or supporting stamina, endurance and recovery from exercise. We have different ranges of products that can be helpful for these individual health and wellbeing areas – you can browse our website using the “shop by health need” menu to find supportive herbal products. We have also crafted a collection of “Male Vitality” supplements, tea and tincture which contain a powerful blend of herbs to provide holistic support to men, including relieving stress, increasing energy levels, promoting circulation, supporting optimal levels of male reproductive hormones, and boosting libido.
Gokshura or tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is a fantastic reproductive and urinary tonic. In traditional Ayurvedic practice, it has been used for millennia as a male aphrodisiac, to enhance semen production and motility, to increase urine flow and soothe the urinary system, and even to treat kidney stones.

Studies have shown that Gokshura increases serum levels of luteinising hormone (LH), leading to higher levels of testosterone. Other studies have found consistently increased sexual drive in men who take the herb.

The herb shows a profound impact on male reproductive health, especially sperm production and motility. One study noted that taking 500 mg of tribulus three times a day for sixty days significantly increased sperm production for men diagnosed with idiopathic oligozoospermia (men who show no sperm in the semen from no discernible cause). Libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm all significantly increased for 80% of the men.

Overall, Gokshura is a useful herb for increasing testosterone levels and rebalancing the androgen/oestrogen ratio. It is specifically indicated for low sperm count and low sperm motility, erectile dysfunction and low serum testosterone levels.

Interestingly, gokshura has been found to increase the production of luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestradiol in women and testosterone in men — indicating that it is a general reproductive system tonic and adaptogen, rather than specific to gender.

Another example of a herb that can be supportive in case of low libido or erectile dysfunction is ginkgo. Ginkgo has multiple beneficial properties. It is a cerebral circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory and vasodilator. Multiple studies show that it stimulates peripheral circulation and improves blood flow in the brain, legs and extremities.

Ginkgo has gained some reputation for helping with memory problems — by stimulating blood flow to the brain, it helps alleviate forgetfulness. But it has a much wider range of action — it is helpful for any problems in the body that are linked to insufficient blood flow, including in the treatment of heart or eye disorders, but also impotence, as it helps enhance blood flow to the pelvic area.

Many studies of men with erectile dysfunction showed significant improvement of blood flow and ability to have erections after the use of ginkgo — including when compared to other potent erectile stimulants.

Ginkgo is one of the primary herbs used for long-term resolution of erection problems from arterial insufficiency. For shorter-term results, gokshura (introduced above) may be more effective.

Both gokshura and ginkgo are key ingredients in our Male Vitality supplements, tea and tincture.
There are many herbs that can be beneficial to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety, in various ways. Many herbs have a direct effect on the nervous system, and combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can be of great help to ease stress and anxiety. There is also a growing body of research demonstrating the strong linkages between the health of the nervous system to that of our gut and its microbiota – so focusing herbal support on balancing the gut flora may be a great strategy for treating disorders of the nervous system. Interestingly, many herbs that are considered “nervines” (that help balance the nervous system) are often also prescribed for digestive concerns: such as chamomile, lemon balm or rose – which we cover in a little bit more detail below.

There are herbs that can uplift the spirits, ease anxiety, soothe grief and heartbreak, relax muscles, improve memory and focus and support sleep; there are also those known as “adaptogens” that can improve our resilience to physical and mental stress and improve energy and vitality. There is a large range of herbs known as “nervines” that strengthen and support the nervous system in a variety of ways.

Beyond herbal support, it is of course important to note that physical problems that are linked to stress can benefit from a psychological approach, such as through psychotherapy, and/or by working through the body, for example with breathing exercises, relaxation, yoga, exercise, massage, or meditation. Research on meditation shows that it can enhance our resilience to stress, reduce cortisol levels, lower blood pressure and help with negative emotions. Taking a hot bath with a relaxing mix of herbs, essential oils and bath salts (such as our Unwind Bath Salts) can also ease muscle tension and soothe anxiety.

A traditionally known example of a herb used to ease stress is chamomile. It is also a trusted digestive herb for excess wind and spasms in the gut that can also be associated with stress. Chamomile also has other notable properties of pain relief, especially for headaches.

Another herb often indicated for stress is lemon balm. It helps to calm a tense and anxious mind and enhances memory retention, concentration and mental clarity. It uplifts the mood and is a mild sedative and pain reliever, helping combat stress-induced insomnia. Lemon balm also soothes stress-related digestive problems such as spasms and gas.

Another example is rose: rose petals are uplifting, calming and cooling. They help with anxiety, stress and irritability. They also help ease excess stomach acidity, which can often accompany high levels of stress.

All three of these herbs, as well as holy basil (or tulsi) and vervain are included in our Balance Tea, which was designed to ease stress and to help increase vitality and resilience when faced with it. It also tastes delicious! Our Balance Tincture contains chamomile as well but has an increased focus on specifically adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola and ashwagandha, to support your adrenals in functioning healthily and to help you cope with stress.

There are other calming herbs for acute anxiety that can be prescribed on a case-by-case basis, as part of a bespoke prescription — we recommend speaking with a medical herbalist about this if you are experiencing acute anxiety.
There are many herbs that can promote energy and vitality, in different ways – for example, by providing much-needed vitamins and minerals to your cells (or improving their absorption), by offering antioxidant protection to prevent negative impacts of pollution and environmental stressors on your body, by promoting a healthy blood circulation to effectively bring oxygen and nutrition to your brain, or by helping your body systems continue to function healthily in situations of stress, like adaptogens do. To find the best natural approach for you, we recommend speaking with a medical herbalist so that they can devise a bespoke prescription for you.

Our Energy range of products contains a series of all-natural herbal products developed to support vitality, mood, and energy levels. It features our Energise Tea, our Energise Supplements, an Energy Smoothie Powder Mix, and even an essential oil diffuser blend and bath salts! These products act in different ways to naturally and safely offer you extra drive, vigour, and get-up-and-go when you need it most.

For example, our Energy Mix is an uplifting smoothie powder made with natural stimulants and adaptogens to increase your endurance and support recovery after exertion. This blend includes Siberian ginseng, maca and schisandra berries, which improves mental and physical performance and protects the body from the effects of physical and emotional stress. To promote healthy circulation, we’ve included antioxidant-rich hawthorn berries and bilberries. Last but not least we have rose hips and Balinese moringa, abundant sources of the vitamins and minerals you need to prevent fatigue and raise your energy levels. Although naturally stimulating, this mix does not contain any caffeine - so it's perfect for your morning smoothie or shake. We recommend taking it in the mornings, and on alternate days if you are training at the gym. The same formula can be found in a convenient capsule format in our Energise Supplements, as a handy way to benefit from these properties if the smoothie powder format does not fit your routine so well.

Ashwagandha is also an excellent tonic to promote energy and vitality, which improves our resilience to stress.

There is also an impressive and steadily growing amount of research on medicinal mushrooms that are able to boost immunity, energy and vitality, including reishi, lion’s mane, maitake and chaga, which are all included in our Mushroom Power Mix.
Do you or someone you know experience high blood pressure, blood circulation concerns, palpitations or atherosclerosis? Hypertension is rampant in our societies, and to get back to this section’s theme of male health, heart disease is among the main killers of men.

Any cardiovascular concerns require of course a consultation with a healthcare practitioner, but there are herbs that are often prescribed for such problems and have shown to provide support. Hawthorn is one of them. Hawthorn is a familiar small tree that has a very long history of house for toning and strengthening the heart and circulatory system. It is often combined with motherwort, yarrow or lime blossom in formulas to help alleviate high blood pressure.

Hawthorn improves blood flow through the heart and arteries, regulates blood pressure, lowers harmful cholesterol and helps reduce the build-up of deposits causing atherosclerosis. It also strengthens the heart muscle, regulates heart rhythm, and is prescribed in coronary insufficiency, palpitations, arrhythmias, angina and degenerative heart disease. It has a protective effect on heart muscle, reduces inflammation in blood vessels, and helps prevent clots and heart attacks.

The beautiful flowers, leaves and berries of hawthorn trees are not only used as a vascular tonic and to strengthen the physical heart but also the ‘emotional’ heart. Hawthorn is soothing, calming and relaxing, and can be used for those who have a difficult time expressing their feelings or who suppress their emotions.

If you have any concerns related to cardiovascular health, we recommend speaking with a medical herbalist or with another healthcare practitioner.
Herbs like gokshura can support male reproductive hormone balance, which in turn can help address a range of concerns around energy levels, metabolism, digestive health, stress or libido. Gokshura is a useful herb for increasing testosterone levels and rebalancing the androgen/oestrogen ratio. It is specifically indicated for low sperm count and low sperm motility, erectile dysfunction and low serum testosterone levels.

Interestingly, gokshura has been found to increase the production of luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestradiol in women and testosterone in men — indicating that it is a general reproductive system tonic and adaptogen, rather than specific to gender.

Goskhura and other herbs that are known to promote male reproductive hormone balance are included in our Male Vitality supplements, tea and tincture.
Nettle root – yes, the root of the familiar stinging nettle! – has been scientifically proven to promote prostate health, and particularly to address benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), in at least thirty clinical studies. In these studies, nettle root consistently reduced nighttime urination, improved urine stream, decreased urine remaining in the bladder after urination, and decreased prostate size.
Over a million prescriptions for viagra are written every year solely for impotence — and there are herbs that can help with that without risks and side effects.

As an example, Gokshura or tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is a fantastic reproductive tonic, which has been used in traditional Ayurvedic practice for millennia as a male aphrodisiac, to enhance semen production and motility. Studies have shown that Gokshura increases serum levels of luteinising hormone (LH), leading to higher levels of testosterone. Other studies have found consistently increased sexual drive in men who take the herb. Yet another study noted that taking 500 mg of tribulus three times a day for sixty days led to increases in libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm for 80% of the participants.

Another supportive herb for the long-term resolution of erection problems — particularly when they are linked to arterial insufficiency — is ginkgo. Many studies of men with erectile dysfunction showed significant improvement of blood flow and ability to have erections after the use of ginkgo — including when compared to other potent erectile stimulants.

Both gokshura and ginkgo are key ingredients in our Male Vitality supplements, tea and tincture.
In addition to having a balanced diet, with lots of healthy sources of essential fatty acids (omega 3 in particular), vitamins, minerals and trace elements, there are several herbal products that can naturally help prevent hair loss.

For example, massaging a natural, herbal hair oil such as Zen Maitri’s Hair Oil into your scalp before washing your hair can help strengthen the hair, boost blood flow to the scalp, promote hair growth and enhance volume. It can be especially useful for those struggling with hair loss or dry, damaged hair. Hair oil can also help to nourish and moisturise your hair, and it can help with frizzy hair.

Our Hair Oil recipe is suitable for all (including for men!) — it works effectively on any type of hair, although it is particularly helpful for dry, thinning hair. It is made with a range of botanical oils, herbs and essential oils; it has a neutral, deep, earthy fragrance of sesame, with refreshing and invigorating tones from rosemary, lemongrass, cypress, ylang ylang and peppermint.
Gokshura or tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is a fantastic reproductive tonic, which has been used in traditional Ayurvedic practice for millennia as a male aphrodisiac, to enhance semen production and motility. Studies have shown that Gokshura increases serum levels of luteinising hormone (LH), leading to higher levels of testosterone. Other studies have found consistently increased sexual drive in men who take the herb. Yet another study noted that taking 500 mg of tribulus three times a day for sixty days led to increases in libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm for 80% of the participants.

Gokshura is a key ingredient in our Male Vitality supplements, tea and tincture.