Don’t be fooled by their apparent simplicity: herbal teas are considered to be among the most effective and deepest-acting herbal medicines. Explore our range of herbal teas below.
Herbal Teas
Don’t be fooled by their apparent simplicity: herbal teas are considered to be among the most effective and deepest-acting herbal medicines. Water is an excellent solvent for the active compounds contained in medicinal plants. Our team of herbalists has developed a wide range of delicious and effective herbal teas that address a broad spectrum of health needs – from stress to respiratory support, uplifting energy levels, sleep support and balancing hormones. We’ve also created these blends with taste in mind, because the powerful natural ingredients are best enjoyed over the long term. Explore our range of herbal teas below.
Skullcap for example is a natural sedative that calms anxiety and stress. It’s an effective treatment for tension headaches and insomnia and works to relax the muscles and digestive system. It is particularly helpful to calm a busy mind which is unable to switch off.
Passionflower reduces stress, helps to induce sleep, and is a natural antispasmodic, helping to relax tense muscles which may prevent you from getting off to sleep and staying asleep.
Wild lettuce is a strong sedative herb that eases restlessness and induces deep and restful sleep. It also eases pain and muscle tension, ensuring nothing gets in the way of your beauty sleep.
These are just three examples - there are many more. All three of these herbs are included in our Deep sleep tea: a natural sleeping aid that helps you unwind before bedtime and promotes deeper, more restorative sleep.