Everything we do at Zen Maitri starts with a simple goal: To help you take control of your health using products and approaches inspired by the natural world.

So What Do We Mean by ‘Taking Control’?
First, it’s about listening to and understanding the needs of your body and mind.
Second, you must recognise those needs in relation to the lifestyle that you desire to lead.
The needs of your body and mind are determined by the demands of your chosen lifestyle. So it makes sense that being ‘healthy’ is in many ways unique to each person. A young professional athlete will have different health goals to a middle-aged accountant, for example.
After that, it’s about taking small steps in the right direction, fulfilling the life you want to live.
This process of taking control of your health is not a one-off event. Becoming and feeling healthy is a process, a journey you can initiate and pursue at any time.
At Zen Maitri, natural health encompasses this journey of empowerment. It’s never too late to get started and it never really ends, precisely because life is always subject to change.

The Three Principles of Natural Health
Our approach to natural health is made up of three guiding principles, which sit at the foundation of our products and services:
1. Uniqueness - no two humans beings in nature are the same.
2. Loving kindness towards one self is the foundation of health and wellness.
3. Health is a journey, not an end.
Every human being is unique - a one size fits all approach to health will never work. We must embrace the diversity of our bodies and minds and not desire to look like or be like one another.
Our individual health & wellness journey begins the moment we show loving kindness to ourselves. This means we must forgive and love ourselves first if we are to truly empower ourselves and others.
The journey is more important than the end goal because how one chooses to live on a daily basis ends up producing what the end will look like. It is not the ends that determines the means; it is the means that determine the ends.

Creating Access to Expert Knowledge
It’s hard to pursue your natural health journey without expert advice. Our experts - Medical Herbalists and Nutritionists - are here to help you make informed decisions about your needs and goals.
We provide clients with the right knowledge and information. Knowledge is key: people cannot become healthy unless they have access to information about what their body and mind requires.
Access to herbs, good nutrition and guidance on lifestyle practises to support the mind and body. We equip you with the appropriate products and services to help you reach your goals.
Emotional care and wellbeing. Even taking small steps in the right direction can be challenging. Our team is on hand to support you along the way.

Natural Health is Your Own Journey
There is no one size fits all approach to health because every person’s journey is unique. That’s why we take the time to listen to you, understand your lifestyle, needs, and goals and use this to provide expertise on the best next steps. You determine your natural health journey. You lead the way. We are here to guide you through the process.